There are significant problems with the proposed Vacant
Building Ordinance. This stems from the “cut and paste” efforts of writing an
ordinance that has been recommended by an out-of-town consulting
organization. It does NOT address the needs
to define the provisions that are much more specific to the City-County of
Butte-Silver Bow.
How the ordinance will be enforced consistently, evenly
applied and fairly administered is the first big issue. And every resident of
this county should be concerned. BSB constantly
complains that it does not have enough staff to deal with public issues. Most
enforcement takes place with complaints from feuding neighbors then on a
political level of targeted punishment. Certain citizens will and have been be
targeted (and yes I speak from experience. Many violations I am happy to make
public). Citizens especially are
targeted when they speak up in this community about a difference of opinion
from BSB’s.
Despite this, it is ever more important for people need to speak up. For example, the initial
drafts of this ordinance included clear
violation of the 4th Amendment of the US Constitution –
regarding unwarranted search of property. Pointing this out loudly and publicly has had it removed
from the revised document.
Now we get to the 14th
amendment “due-process,” clause where there is a severe lack of any form of
appeal. (You have no way to fight this violation). Violations go straight to
the court system immediately with a citation ticket.
There is always the talk of “that is not our intent – we
work with people.” If that was the case there would be a Citizen Appeal Board
that you could discuss your circumstances with, not talking to an enforcement
officer with an attitude.
Who enforces the ordinance is absolutely not defined WHATSOEVER. Per the ordinance
definition, enforcement can be anyone designated by the Chief Executive – looks
like the librarian, fire-department, clerks, etc, can be out posting notices. So you think this is absurd ? I am trying to make a point.
Current enforcement of Community Enrichment Violation is all
over the board and not consolidated into a clean flowchart process as it should
be. Violations are issued using out dated forms, are referenced to various
departments and procedures. It is simply not clear. Any citizen sent a notice by Community Enrichment
will have to allocate a considerable amount of time to clear up issues with
various departments, personnel and the courts. How is this FAIR for every
single citizen of this county? It is not.
The qualifications of who is evaluating a condition of
property (the most IMPORTANT part) are not clearly defined. It is clear that
“posting” of a dangerous building is by the BSB Building Inspector but then it
is tossed to any other department,
primarily Community Enrichment.
Now, this ordinance is apparently giving even more power to
Community Enrichment, a department that is growing into a proverbial monster. Add
the Health Department to this and the court system and things become confused. A clear flow chart of this issuance of notices, by whom and what applies is not
stated in the ordnance. Again there is a total lack of any appeal process!
Let’s take some time and clearly define requirements and
enforcement of the real intent of
this ordinance and get the horse in the correct position before the cart. Out
of the mouths of Commissioners (3 running for Chief Exec) it has been stated
that most of Uptown is owned by out-of-towners/staters, and that this is the problematic vacant building area. It was a challenge by
the Council of Commissioners to confirm this by going to the web and clicking
on Montana Cadastral Mapping – you can do this yourself – it is not 50% of
property in the uptown!
So BSB has one of the most advanced computer mapping systems
(GIS) and it’s high time to make the ownership map first before making such
untrue public statements. Are the out of town “ownership” properties the ones
causing the problems? – Enter those in the computer – then those become colors
on the map. If it is so difficult to find the persons that own problem property
that clear path of contact needs to time and time again that most of Uptown is
owned by out-of-towners - 50% of all uptown properties are owned by out of
state/town persons be established - should this not the first priority in finding
these contacts prior to passing an ordinance that is applied to our ALL local
citizens? Seems kind of like a county-wide punishment.The map and data base need to be produced first, the facts
collected so the problem can be defined and then the solution formulated a
solution that is specific to the realities of Butte Montana.
Let us give BSB citizens some assistance, instead of
violation notices. Understand that many homeowners are working on their
properties with limited funds and time. Take some time to define the real
problem and design solutions that are specific to Butte Montana and not some
out of town consultants.
And I hope you can now understand WHY and HOW this ordinance
targets Uptown, despite encompassing the entire county.