Saturday, February 27, 2016

Not a Student in Sight

Where were the Tech Students and their bicycles?

Wednesday night's council meeting was inspiring with many new faces attending to show their support of improving Park Street; but with most questioning the need for a central landscaped median and the reduction from 4 lanes to 2 lanes.

What was noticeable, was that there were ZERO Tech students in attendance as well as any representatives of Montana Tech. I am assuming that their input has been addressed in private meetings and that they did not have to attend public meetings.
My strong opinion is "Let's keep W. Park Street 4 lanes and put the pedestrians and bicycles on the adjacent and safe streets of Galena and Broadway!"

The presentation by BSB Staff and further statements by Planning Director Jon Sesso noted that the preliminary traffic count for Park Street did not justify 4 lanes of traffic capacity. By only utilizing traffic count as a planning formula, the true nature of the roadway is not fully considered.

The full capacity of 4 lanes is required by the nature of morning "going to work travel" and student travel when classes let out and students are going to class. Sporting and other events at Tech fill Park Street when they let out. By only utilizing a total count, without consideration of the hours of the day and events, the formula is dangerously flawed.

It snuck out during the presentation that the program of 2 lanes, landscaped median, bike lanes and landscaped "parkletts" is what has already been presented to the Montana Department of Transportation as the requirements for the street design!  

Time is close to running out to change the direction of this project and provide substantive input. Please submit your communitarian letter that supports your opinion to the council- whatever that may be. Your public participation and involvement is commendable.  

1 comment:

  1. So glad to see you live in the real world Mr. Reavis. Can we require all voting yes, ride their bike from Main street to Tech? at least Once? That will put the damper on this rediculious idea.
